My 8 'favorite' serial killers

Number 8: H. H. Holmes 

If you want to read more about H. H. Holmes, click on this link: H. H. Holmes.

Now the reason why Holmes is on my list is because I love how smart he was. Of course around his time it was not as difficult as it is now, to get away with what he did. But, you cannot deny how smart he really is. The second reason is his murder castle. I loved reading about how he build everything and how he had so much control over the situation. It fascinated me.

Number 7: Richard Cottingham 

To be honest, I don’t know a lot about this serial killer. I remember watching a documentary about him a few years ago, I actually watched it a couple of times. The thing with Cottingham that keeps me interested is the way he killed, the way he talked about it and his manipulation skills. Cottingham is that type of serial killer who absolutely knows what he did and he doesn’t feel guilty about it. 

Number 6: Jeffrey Dahmer

if you want to read more about Jeffrey Dahmer, click in this link: Jeffrey Dahmer.

Now the thing with Dahmer that interested me, is his part in the book: ‘The Last Victim’ by Jason Moss. I thought it was so interesting how he would never write anyone back but he did write Jason. Unfortunately, right at that time, Dahmer got murdered in prison. I feel like he had so much to tell Jason but we never got the chance to see that.

Number 5: Ed Kemper

 If you want to read more about Ed Kemper, click on this link: Ed Kemper.

Kemper is a very intimidating person. Kemper killed his grandparents when he was fifteen-years-old. After his jail time was done, he killed six more people, his mother and a friend of this mother. The fact that he killed when he was just fifteen years old got my attention almost immediately. The story about his last two murders, his mother and a friend of his mother, was one of the most interesting I have ever read.   

Number 4: David Berkowitz 

Berkowitz really had a lot of trouble fighting his personal demons. He had voices in his head who told him that they needed blood. So Berkowitz started to shoot people. I think it’s very interesting how the voices in his head work and how he blamed that for his murders. With Berkowitz I’m not sure if he realizes what he has done. Sometimes I wish we would read his mind and see what really happens there.

Number 3: Robert Hansen  

The special thing about Hansen is the way he killed people. Hansen would kidnap woman and fly then to a forest. He would then hunt them down in that forest with a rifle and bow and arrow. It’s like a hunting game that he played with them.

Number 2: Richard Ramirez 

If you want to read more about Richard Ramirez, click on this link: Richard Ramirez.

Now the thing that I find the most interesting about Ramirez is Satanism. Satanism is very dangerous, even just to study and learn about it. However, for some reason Satanism has always interested me. I don’t know much about it, since reading ‘The Last Victim’ by Jason Moss I’m too scared to. The way Ramirez speaks and behaves is so careful and studied, it looks like he always hides something that I want to know.  

Number 1: Ted Bundy

If you want to read more about Ted Bundy, click on this link: Ted Bundy.

Ted was probably the first serial killer I got to know. If you’ve read the article about him on the website, I guess you could understand why he is so interesting. He was so smart with the way he handled things. The double life that he had… He was a suspect twice but they didn’t investigate him because of good image. Also the face that he escaped twice is worth looking at. He planned everything out so well. He knew what he was doing and how he had to get everything done.

Philbin, T., & Philbin, M. (2009), The Killer Book of Serial Killers. Canada: Sourcebooks, Inc
Newton, M. (2006), The encyclopedia of Serial Killers Second Edition.
New York: Checkmark Books